Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Assignment #2 (Jeffrey)

1. List five historical ties (treaties, peace agreements, trade pacts, etc) since 1914 between your country and the two other countries assigned for this homework.
· Baghdad Pact


· Symington Amendment

2. Has your country fought any significant wars, or battles, against each other directly, indirectly, or through proxy since 1914? If so, list the wars, or proxy wars, these countries have fought against yours since 1914

They have not fought any wars against each other.

3. Does your country have any significant religious disagreements with the two other countries assigned that reach back through the centuries (and yes, this can precede 1914)?

Pakistan and Iran did not have any religious disagreements because they were both Muslim.

4. Historically has the relationship been your countries and the two other countries (individually) been amicable, hostile, or neutral? Briefly (6-8 sentences) explain.

Historically, Pakistan has had a close relationship with Iran as they share many cultural and religious aspects. However, their relationship worsened because Pakistan and Iran supported different sides in the Afghan conflict. Presently, they have good relationships because they both want to stop the Taliban. American and Pakistan first began relations in 1947 when America offered to supply Pakistan economic and military assistance to Pakistan. Their relationship worsened when numerous Americans were injured in Pakistan but their relationship was restored when Pakistan agreed to join America’s campaign against the Taliban.

5. How do their government systems compare? One sentence answer is fine.

Pakistan is a Parliamentary Democracy while the US is a Republic and Iran is an Islamic Republic.

6. What major military and political treaties does your country share with the other countries since the Treaty of Versailles


· South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation

· UN

7. Is your country currently recognized by the United Nations? If not, explain why.

It is recognized by the United Nations.

8. Does country share the same type of economic system as the two countries you are asked to compare? What is this type of economy? If they are different economies what is the difference between the two?

Pakistan and American have a free market economy while Iran has a planned economy.

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