Sunday, May 10, 2009

Assignment 1 (Corey)

I. General Questions : America (as media)

What is your country’s governmental system? Provide a definition. (

America's governmental system is a Constitution based federal republic with a strong democratic tradition.  Also known as a constitutional democracy.  That is, a form of government in which the sovereign power of the people is spelled out in a governing constitution.

List five important events in your country’s history since 1914.

Pearl Harbor, The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the world trade center bombing, Obama becomes President of the USA, The Great Depression

Briefly describe your country’s expected, permitted, and emerging gender roles.

there are no expectations and no limitations.

What is your country’s economic system? (

America has a market-oriented economic system.

List your nation’s five largest trading partners? (

China, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Germany

What is the monetary size of your domestic and foreign debt? (

the size of the debt is about 12.25 trillian dollars.

To which country does your country owe the most money? (


What is the numerical size of your standing and reserve armed forces? (

302 million armed military soldiers embody the USA military forces.

Are you a nuclear power? (

America is not a nuclear power.

List your country’s most important cultural values? (

Individualism, freedom, capitalism, democracy

To what extent, if any, does your government control media and culture? Briefly describe.

The government only controlls the media to protect people and avoid hurtful events. they also allow freedom of culture, although this freedom ends where it violates the rights/freedoms of someone else.  the only way to keep the media from spreading stories is to keep them from finding out about them.  The government may not tell the media all information because it could cause a panic.  Or the authorities may not give away all information about a killer they are in the process of catching because that way, if there is a copycat killer, the authorities will find differences in the MOs.

List your country’s most important resources? (

Oil, water, electricity

List the important resources is your country lacking? (i.e. what does it need to import a great deal of?)

Oil, electricity, natural gas, water

What is your country’s population? (

307, 212, 123

What is your country’s main religion? What percentage of your people are this religion?

Christianity:  75.2%

List other religions, if there are any, which play an important role in your country?

The other religions in the USA consist of Mormon, other forms of Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, as well as some unspecified, some unaffiliated, and some nonreligious.

What is your government’s policy towards religion and state? (

In America, people have freedom of religious beliefs.

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