Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Assignment #1 (Jeffrey)

1. What is your country’s governmental system? Provide a definition

It is a federation, which is a union comprising a number of partially self-governing states or regions united by a central ("federal") government.

2. List five important events in your country’s history since 1914

* Moscow theatre hostage crisis
* Beslan school siege, the 1993 constitutional crisis
* Russia-Georgia conflict
* Cuban-Missile crisis.

3. What is your country’s economic system?


4. List your nation’s five largest trading partners?

* Netherlands
* Germany
* Italy
* China
* Ukraine

5. What is the monetary size of your domestic and foreign debt?

$741 billion

6. To which country does your country owe the most money?

7. What is the numerical size of your standing and reserve armed forces?


8. Are you a nuclear power?


9. List your country’s most important cultural values?

* Music
* Ballet
* Literature
* Arts

10. To what extent, if any, does your government control media and culture?

Under Putin, Russia has begun to gain control over the content of programs and has limited freedom of press.

11. List your country’s most important resources?

Oil, natural gas, coal, timber, and various minerals

12. List the important resources your country is lacking?

* Iron
* Steel
* Plastic
* Fruit

13. What is your country’s population?


14. What is your country’s main religion? What percentage of your people are this religion?

Russian Orthodoxy consists of 15-20% of the country.

15. List other religions, if there are any, which play an important role in your country?

* Christianity
* Islam
* Buddhism
* Judaism

16. What is your government’s policy towards religion and state?


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