Monday, May 11, 2009

Assignment 4 (Ashley)

1. What countries do you share your religion(s) with? List them.
a. Africa
b. Asia
c. Europe
d. N/S America
e. Middle East

2. Does your country object to any, all, or some of the religions of another country. Briefly explain.
a. France rejects some Islamic Muslims

3. Define Sharia.
a. The body of Islamic laws

4. What role does Sharia play in your country?
a. The Sharia affects the citizens living in France. February 18, 2009 France expressed worry Wednesday that Pakistan's decision to allow local leaders in a strife-torn northwestern region impose Sharia law would mark a setback for girls and women’s' rights

5. What role does religion and state play in your government?
a. Catholicism is the primary religion in France. France had traditionally been considered the Church's eldest daughter, and had close links to the Pope, which caused conflicts, in particular during the Reformation between Catholics and Huguenots. Care is generally free for people affected by chronic diseases

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